I’m Eunseo, a motion designer and illustrator based in Los Angeles, California. ☀️

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© 2025 Eunseo Ryu

An Elephant Sitting Still


Ashley Song
An Elephant Sitting Still portrays a community where individuals are preoccupied with their own concerns, rendering them oblivious to the suffering of others. Such a lack of awareness about people's struggles makes it difficult to seek assistance. The characters in the movie suffer in silence but begin to seek hope for their future.Software
Cinema 4D, Redshift, Photoshop


The sequence was set in an old, ordinary room in China. To achieve authenticity, we incorporated cabinets, frames, and a fan, which are commonly seen in older Chinese households. We focused on portraying a warm and nostalgic feeling throughout the sequence by using the desaturated yellow and brown colors and warm light coming into the room through the window.

Porcelains with different designs represent each storyline from the film. They are delicate and fragile, and a tiny fracture is enough for them to shatter like the piled-up traumas of the characters. The cracks that are mended with kintsugi illustrate both the absence of care for the characters and their resilience.

Cinema 4D was used to set up the scene with overall composition, basic color and lighting, and pattern application.

Photoshop was used for color/lighting correction, typography, and kintsugi touch-up.

Previous: Fungal Fantasia